Engine Driveability

Engine Driveability

We will find the cause of your driveability complaints.

"POOR MILEAGE", "POOR RUNNING", "POOR POWER", "HESITATION" are examples of some of the "Driveability" problems you may experience.
Computer diagnostics or "SCAN" check is the first step in checking the operation various vehicle control systems. It does not tell you what is wrong, or what part to replace. What it does tell us is what area of the vehicle to look at and the reason for doing so. 
Various vehicle components work together to do the task at hand and when one area fails, it may affect others. Diagnostics is a procedure to systematically use test equipment and information to determine the root cause of the problem.
Testing tools, training and information must be kept up to date to understand and repair todays vehicles in an accurate and timely manner. Paragon is committed to keeping pace with today’s vehicles.
We will find the cause of your driveability complaints. Fuel systems, ignition systems, engine controls, emission systems, and induction systems.... we can identify and make the necessary repairs required.

Have a question about your engine driveability? Message us using this form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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As general mechanics, we do not service air conditioning. We recommend using a specialist service for air conditioning recharging and repairs.

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