Check Engine Light

Check Engine Light

This warning light indicates that an error code is logged in the computer system that controls the vehicle systems.

"CHECK ENGINE LIGHT" (CEL), "SERVICE ENGINE SOON" (SES), is commonly referred to as a malfunction indicator light (MIL) by the manufacturer. 
Errors that illuminate the MIL light can change the operation of the computer system, and possibly put the vehicle into "LIMP HOME" mode. Fuel economy, driveability and breakdowns are the possible result of ignoring this light. 
We often see vehicles with the light on and the customer says,
"Don't worry about it. I know why it's on."
Do they know? Or are they guessing? If the Light is on all the time, then a different or more severe problem may be happening, and they will never know.
We have the latest in diagnostic equipment to diagnose these problems and advise on proper repairs.

Have a question about your Check Engine Light? Message us using this form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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As general mechanics, we do not service air conditioning. We recommend using a specialist service for air conditioning recharging and repairs.

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